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Free Energy
![]() The article below is yet one more point of the comming time talked about in the book "One Upon A Time There Was No Money"
This energy discovery has been around for years but is suppressed by
the rich and powerfull bankers, oil companies and governments.
This is another piece of science that was given to this author from a higher source without knowing it already existed in current and past science. The progression of human evolution is what this book is all about but most importantly it is about getting the people of earth to immediately wake up to a new way of thinking that is far away from the current mind numbing controls of the systems at hand in this day and age. There is so much more information in this book that will suprise you.
Full article can be read HERE:
Partial Excerpt Below
2. Tapping the waves
Endless free energy, Tesla's radiant energy, the dipole as the gateway to the energy of the void, MEG in one year, Bedini, Yakuza, etc. End of Oil, geopolitical chaos, rogue groups
Move Over G.E. & Big Oil, Energy is Everywhere!
Third-world nations set to rise
"Certain powerful interests did not wish the extended electromagnetics to be discovered or taught. That, after all, would lead to free energy and loss of economic control of the citizens. That was precisely why Nikola Tesla had already been suppressed ... Today it is still being suppressed by the orthodox establishment."
The vast seething ocean of energy of the vacuum, the longitudinal scalar EM waves of the time domain, can now be tapped and "transduced" into ordinary (transverse) EM energy in our 3-Space world. The process can be compared to putting a paddlewheel into a river. The energy acquired is free, since the river is there flowing whether we tap it or not. And it is a mighty river, and is not diminished by our paddlewheel.
This means that a permanent solution to the "energy crisis" is at hand, if only those who hold it so secret would give it up to humankind.
It means our species' insane use of oil is no longer necessary. We can make automobiles that need no fuel at all. We can build motors that power themselves. It means that unlimited electrical power can be available for free anywhere in the world. Every house and even shack can have its own power supply.
Of course there is the cost of the equipment at first, but the energy flow is free for the presumably very long life (no moving parts) of the generator. It will probably take decades to shift over to scalar power.
But the ability to tap the scalar (longitudinal) EM waves of the vacuum (which exists everywhere) also means that unbelievably powerful weapons can be, and already have been developed. In fact these weapons are so dangerous that the fear engendered becomes a psychological obstacle to the grasping of the facts.
I struggled with this myself for months, and even though Tom Bearden had completely convinced me already, it is hard to accept the fact that for everyone on earth the "worst that might happen" has suddenly gotten much worse. It takes time to deal with that, to realize it and get over it.
Indeed, the possibilities of these new weapons, which are tapping the huge energies of time, are so terrifying it is natural for the mind to simply say: "I don't want to hear about that."
And the government, likewise, pretends these weapons do not exist and tries to keep it secret from the people. Because most people would indeed be truly alarmed to know the actual situation. Col. Tom Bearden has decided that the people need to know the truth anyway. As a People on a Planet we must face this now, and ban the use of scalar weapons in war or in mass mind control. The current deployment of these weapons is a world emergency which we must all face.
The physics and mathematics of the longitudinal waves and the time domain are clearly beyond the layman, but I recommend scanning through them anyway just to get a sense of the wonder and the elegance of it all and some of the exotic terms which are used. Two of the most important papers by Col. Bearden are:
Giant Negentropy from the Common Dipole
The Final Secret of Free Energy.
Despite the complexity of the science involved, Bearden sums up the essential secret of it all in a few words.
"There is no problem at all in extracting all the energy one wishes from the active vacuum, anywhere in the universe, at any time. Just make a dipole.
The problem is in (1) catching some of that freely gushing EM energy in a circuit containing a load, and (2) dissipating the caught and collected EM energy in that load to power it, without using half the caught energy to destroy the source dipole's).
That is the ONLY real energy problem on the planet, and always has been."
A dipole could be a battery, which is polarized into negative and positive. Or the terminals of a generator. Or any magnet with its two poles. Or an atom with its positive and negative charges. Or the earth's magnetic field, the sun, and all heavenly bodies. Even a galaxy must be some kind of mega-dipole. Wherever there is a dipole there is already immense scalar EM energy ushering out of and back into the vacuum. And there have already been demonstrated a number of diverse methods for tapping that energy as it flows. (John Bedini, Edwin Gray, Bruce de Palma, and others). Bearden provides what he calls a "partial list" on his website.
"In other words, nature then gladly gives us as much EM energy flow as we need, indefinitely ? just for paying a tiny little bit initially to "make the little dipole." After that, we never have to pay anything again, and nature will happily keep on pouring out that 3-flow of EM energy for us. This is the giant negentropy mechanism I uncovered, performed in the simplest way imaginable: just make an ordinary little dipole." Bearden
Secret Government Aware of Free Energy
"In this world of contemporary times, all the agencies, CIA, FBI, KGB, NSA, Electric Power Research Institute, DARPA, Brookings Institution, Henry Kissinger, Edward Teller, et al., all are aware of [free-energy researcher Bruce] DePalma and his ideas.
"Because these individuals and institutions are employed by the ruling elite to forecast the future and satisfy present needs and demands, it is clear that free energy is a threat to the world order constructed by business and the mindset of those who want to own the world.
"Free energy represents Man's aspirations and dreams of freedom and equality, uniform division of resources and the ability to choose one's own future.
"The fact that free energy is suppressed speaks to the greed and self-interest of a ruling elite which, even in the face of an emergency of global starvation, resource depletion and environmental pollution, will not give one inch if it means loss of control. This is an attitude of paranoid delusion and fantasy which can only arise from the alienation of a class of elitists who, through their money, are completely insulated from the reality of the day to day fight for existence of the common man."