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![]() ![]() What You Never Thought Money Was About
Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
Thought Creates Reality Even When It Comes To Money
Below you will find the contents, forward, overview and two sample excerpts from chapter one and chapter five.O
Book excerpts
![]() I wish to give credit to all who have helped me or at times have forced me along my life path to the understandings that brought me to write this book. To be honest, since I live in the money era I have written this book for the money; however, I have also written this book for the future evolution of humanity. In publishing this information, I have done a small part to be of service to the whole of humanity's evolution.
The information in this book is based on probable future potentials. The history discussed here is fact and is in no way a complete recall of any or all the facts from this time period. These facts are an overview of some of the strong points of the time pertaining to money. The future discussed in this book is a potential scenario of what may be. Since the future is not written until we live it, it can only be predicted based on our current mindsets in order to predict a probable set of multiple potentials that spring out in many different directions. The most likely future potentials based on our current perceptions of reality are written about in this book.
This book was written to offer an alternative to the way life has evolved in our present MONEY reality. It is so bad today that it is impossible to know whom one can trust. Remember, the American Indians did not use money. They lived very peacefully until they started to trade with other tribes, particularly with the white man. After that, their lifestyle was ripped apart. Since money is the root of all evil as we all know, it only makes sense to get rid of it for a better way of life where everyone will be living for his or her personal growth rather than always striving just to maintain a sense of balance in ones life. This book shows a progression from the mundane life of the 20th century to the not-so-mundane future life of a people sometime in the 23rd century. The perspective presented is a view from the future looking back on the 20th century. If you are reading this book, you most likely are looking for some kind of change in your life and reality.
This book is not about attracting money, but there is a tool in this book that will help do just that if one wishes to. Instead, this book is about true abundance, which can only come when MONEY is abolished from circulation. Money is not really true abundance--it is only money or an energy people have placed a value on. This energy is highly restricted by the values we have place upon it, due to the hoarding nature of these values. The real true abundance comes automatically when having to trade one thing for another stops. True abundance is a state of being where all things on earth are free of exchange of money or trade of goods that people have placed a value on. Does the sun require anything from the planets it warms? No. It just is. And it simply shines its light and warmth to all in its path. It is only the minds of people that require an exchange of some kind. There is a reason for this hoarding and taking and placing value on things that stems from a time of separation of our souls from The All That Is during a time very long ago that has to do with how we came into being in this universe. I will not tell that story so there is no confusion about the purpose of this book. Because money is so desired, required and demanded by all it creates, hatred grows toward others when the money that is expected is withheld.
The creation of money is a restriction on people who otherwise would have no such restrictions. It causes greed and oppression on all people, but mostly it affects the weaker people when the strong afflict their misuse of money upon the weak. When limitation, control, oppression and scarcity occur as a result of money, the free soul after a period of time no longer tolerates it and rebels, depending on how much pressure is brought to bear during any given time. This rebelling has caused some chaos, which has led the strong or the controllers to create rules (laws as they later became to be known) and force them onto the weaker people. At the very beginning of this rule-generating time, it seemed to be a good thing to have rules and control. Because the people of that very early time were totally uneducated and somewhat barbaric, the rules brought some ease to the weaker people that were being taken advantage of by the stronger ones.
In time this all changed, the rules created a hierarchy and the strong and rich fed off the weak despite the rules. The strong oppressing the weak occurred over a long period of time, so the weak didn't notice it so easily. Over time the strong made the laws seem not so bad to the weak, as they moved in small but steady steps to slowly take total control of everything. Much like one learns in science class about boiling a frog slowly, most likely it progressed so slowly that no one could see where it was going to end up. The strong were the best fighters in the groups and the weak knew they would lose if they rose up against the strong. This continued for more centuries than can be counted until the time of writing this book and most likely will continue for some time yet to come. It is unknown for sure how much longer this will continue, but there will be at least two more generations to come before we see an end to this era of money.
This prediction is based on the new generations of people being born now that will be the victims of the current system. This new generation is different intellectually and will not abide by the same restrictions as past generations have. This is evidence of our evolution in action here. In times past, the strong enlisted the not-so-weak and trained them to carry out instructions to help control others for them. Much later in time they were called police.
The early system of trade and barter was good before the advent of money. Money came in during the later stages of trade and barter as a means of convenience when a person did not have any goods of value to trade for the goods one needed. Early man hoarded food for the cold winters that they knew would come each season. From lack of goods came the start of the idea of swapping something one had plenty of with another that had plenty of what was desired or needed. This grew into trading, which grew into a lack of things to trade, which grew into the invention of money: a convenient, equitable commodity all could us as a tool of trade when goods were not readily available for trading. The appearance of money created the elevated levels of merchant traders, which led to arguing over possessions and so on. The creation of money led to the feeling of unfair trading between parties, which led to the creation of a policing type control over the trading. The attitude of trade was that one possessed what one created, killed or grew on the land. Trading was done by a means of fair value for fair value. When money was created, it complicated this value of trade.
Although the intentions behind creating money were innocent enough, in the end the strong took advantage of the weak and are still doing so today in greater measure than ever before--like a disease. This is a simplistic overview of the creation of money, but events generally transpired along these lines over time. In time the strong became more educated. When they realized they could control all other people in all types of trading by the use of money, they had a way to take total control over everything and everyone --all they had to do was get control of the money. By controlling the money itself they could control all other things. At that point in time during the early days, money appeared in the form of gold and silver. Things all changed drastically in the late 1800's and early 1900's when the smart and powerful few finally figured out a way to take over the entire world through the use of money. They knew they couldn't control the hard currency very well since it had been in circulation for so long and their plan would not work with only a limited supply of gold and silver. It is impossible to make gold from nothing, so to make their plan work they had to remove it from circulation and replace it with soft currency (paper money), which could be made in unlimited quantities for next to nothing. I will explain this more in later chapters, but for now you get the idea of the very ancient history of man and trade up to the time of this book. One cannot trust anyone else as long as people are using any means of value for value trade; this is especially true where money is used in the trading.
In present time we have an evolved sense of MONEY as being a very controlling factor in our mental, emotional and physical world, with total control by the banking and government systems of the day. The control led to laws and more laws and more laws--so many laws that they need enormous rooms to keep these law books in. These laws have been rebelled against for, as long as there have been laws and control. This is a vicious cycle of law and rebellion. In the time of writing this book, there is the saying that you cannot fight the system. Of course that saying was created by the system to instill fear in those that may try to fight it. They went to such lengths to instill fear in the masses that they would imprison some people for years and then highly publicize that they did so, in an effort to keep others from trying to fight or upset their system. Fear is their way of doing business and controlling others.
This vicious cycle is one where no one really wins, not even the system. For now you get the idea of what things must have been like in this system of existence to the students of our class as we will be looking back from the perspective of the 23rd century. From this book you will start to get the idea of what money can do to a free soul. We will get deeper into the facts later on in other chapters. I will give a comparison later of the differences of a money society and a non-money society. A free human soul will not be controlled or oppressed for very long. Life always finds a way to free itself from most anything.
A small government will still exist, but it will be in no way like the one of the money era. It will be more of a teaching government that helps people share knowledge and technologies all over the world. Each national government will be a contact point for other countries and will be a source of information for all throughout the World Net system of what is now called the Internet. There will no longer be any red tape like that which exists in the current money era. There will no longer be any kind of government control over the individual person at any level.
What we as people believe has a direct and profound bearing on our lives and the way everything progresses in a society. We create what we believe. Many beliefs are passed down from earlier generations so they tend to live on for the next generation even though they are outdated. The power of belief is more powerful than a raging locomotive. What a person believes on the deepest levels makes all the difference in every area of existence. There will be more information about the power of belief in later chapters near the end of this book.
As you read this book you will find repetitiveness at times from chapter to chapter and within the same chapter from the narrative to student comments. It is my intention to be repetitive due to the importance of making this information stick in your mind like a TV commercial or a song. My wish is to deeply imbed this information into your subconscious mind because it is time for change.
Chapter excerpts
Ms. Alison:
Hello, class, I am Ms. Alison. Welcome to the first day of the new school year.
In case you were wondering, this class is Sociology History. Please make sure you intended to take this class, please check your class schedules. I wouldn't want to teach you something you didn't want to know about.
Does anyone have any questions?......... We will be studying history and the use of money. Our studies will delve into the usage and psychological effects of this substance called money.
Ms. Alison?
Ms. Alison:
Yes, Bill, do you have a question?
Yes, I do. You called it a substance that caused psychological effects--did they eat this stuff?
Ms. Alison:
No, Bill, they did not eat it. We will delve into the facts about this substance and what it did to them and how it did it a little later on.
I have pulled a book from the library archives that will be the main study guide for this class. A book called Once Upon A Time There Was No Money, with the subtitles And They Lived and Evolved Happily Ever After and What You Never Knew about Money.
This book is on your schoolbook memory cards. Please slip your cards into your desk station readers and pull up this book. Turn to the overview and we will get started.
Ms. Alison:
Good morning, class. How is everyone? Class, as you can see, the reality of that period was far different from today. Those people lived under far different circumstances where stress was a daily way of life. We are not perfect today, but we are at least consciously intending to better ourselves by our personal achievements and better our way of life for all rather than just take advantage of others as they did in this era we're studying.
I trust you all read chapters three and four. That was quite a read, wasn't it? The author put some things into perspective for you, I hope, so you can further understand this time period.
Ms. Alison?
Ms. Alison:
Yes, Ron.
I have to agree with what Gail said yesterday about being glad she did not live in that era. How could they have lasted so long living that way? Riinngg .....
Ms. Alison:
Who was that?
Ms, Alison, it is I, Sam.
Ms. Alison:
Please turn that off, Sam.
Well, I can't, Ms, Alison, I put my communication chip into this old Rolex watch I got from my grandpa and since then I have not been able to turn it off.
Ms. Alison:
I would suggest you leave your communications unit at home tomorrow.
But, Ms. Alison, I will not be able to call my girlfriend or watch the games at lunch. Plus all my class notes are in here too.
Ms. Alison:
Okay. Then may I suggest you put that chip back in the case it is supposed to be in?
Now class, we will go over this to see what everyone learned about history from these two chapters. I would like you to do a comparison of then and now for each topic included in these chapters. Let's start with the first one in chapter three. Sam, would you like to start today?
From reading this section I see that the author knows that it will be hard for the money era people to make the change. I feel that is because they were so accustomed to a long history of the same ways of thinking. We did not have to go through that transition period, so it is a little hard to imagine what that must have been like to go through. Speaking for all of us, I think we all feel very lucky that we do not live under the stress and oppression of what must have been a dark cloud over the entire planet that was ready to pounce on anyone that the government thought was not a conformer. In the beginning he says that there would be some chaos. Did that happen, Ms. Alison?
Ms. Alison:
Yes, Sam, there was an adjustment period as the author mentions. It was a little different and lasted most of the time of the first generation. It seems that the generation that went through this period kept talking about the past when they used money. That kept bringing up the conflicts and questions in the next generation because they wanted to know more about their parent,s ways of life before the children were born. However, the first generation did live a far better lifestyle after money was removed. They were also the ones that made the plan work and grow into the lifestyles we live today that are without the stress and chaos of the money era.
Sam, please continue
I also agree with us not using money. He said that we came from humble beginnings and that money was not a part of our creation or existence for a long time as we evolved from the caveman days up until man started using money. This is important to mention, I think, because we are born just as the caveman was without money and when we die we leave earth without money. So, why then did they think money was a requirement while on earth? It is hard for me to understand this requirement from our way of life today. I am glad we do not have this way of life.
Ms. Alison:
Thank you, Sam. Let's have Gwen take this next section on psychological effects.
This section talks about product pricing. They used this to control the level and quality of their standard of living. It seems to me that it was a way of keeping the ones that had less money down so they were not able to attain the same levels as the more powerful and rich people of the time. This is not something I or we are used to today. I can see how this led to the discomfort for the people back then. Psychologically, this could and did cause much unrest in a person, because I would imagine the people felt they were just as deserving as the others that had a better way of life, they just may not have understood why they were made to live with less comfort and status than their counterparts.
We do not try to keep others down, why would we do that? We are all the same inside. We are all from the same energy of creation and we are all connected together by that same energy that created the clouds, water, earth, germs, dinosaurs, birds, the desk I am sitting on and everything else. We all feel the separation of body because we have mobility, but on a grander lever we are not separate at all. We are even connected via the molecules in the air between us. One such example is that when I speak you can all hear me because of this connection in the air. It is through vibration of the air molecules from my mouth to your ears. There is no separation between us, otherwise you would not hear my words that travel on the blanket of air that is vibrating when I speak that blanket is a part of your ears too. Distance makes this seem disconnected, but it is not. Vibration diminishes over distance, but the energy does not.
Ms. Alison:
Thank you, Gwen. Who will take the next section, education?
I will, Ms. Alison
Ms. Alison:
Thank you, Harry
From my understanding of that era, there were different types of education available. Some no longer exist, such as law schools. But to get to the newer understanding the author was referring to, I see that a basic education about humanity and loving and respecting all life was his message. If we disliked others and ourselves we might start warring with each other again. So an education on the finer aspects of knowing who we are, where we came from and why we are on earth in the physical realm is what keeps us from being as barbaric as the past civilizations were. We are able to, as he stated, change services at any time we wish and do something different when it strikes our fancy. We do need to be taught the ways of the new service before we can just go do it. This is a good way of living, because we do get restless with the same type of service or work after a while.
Ms. Alison:
Thank you, Harry. Next we have the topic of housing--who wants this one?
I_ill take it, Ms. Alison
I have seen many pictures of the past eras that show various types of dwellings they had. Some were very beautiful and some were very poor. I have seen paper housing like the ones people lived in over in Asia and the really rundown buildings they called the slums like in New York City. However, today we cannot find any housing like that at all anywhere in the world. Everybody has a decent house to live in. People pick a house that fits the way they wish to live. I am glad we can provide the level of physical comfort today so we do not see the homeless people that I have seen in pictures where they stood on the side of the street and asked for a handout of money so they could get some food to eat. I understand most of those people lived either out in the open or even in cardboard boxes at times. It appears that not very many people cared for the homeless and would look down upon them. That seems really heartless to me that so many people had to live that way--and the majority of the people that did not live that way did not care about those that were forced to live as homeless due to money.
Ms. Alison:
Thank you, Rick.
Ms. Alison:
Let's move on to science. Who wants to speak on this?
I will, Ms. Alison
Ms. Alison:
I should have known you would volunteer, Ron. You are known as the computer geek of the school, aren't you? I am told that you will be one of our future scientists.
Yes, Ms. Alison, I am studying to be a scientist, but I am not sure yet what area I will major in. As for this book, the section on science is fairly accurate in his interpretation of future developments. We do have a lot more advances that come out far more frequently than the era of money had. It is like he stated about the lack of restrictions when money was involved. We are not bound by the work it took back then to find and secure the money it would take to get a lab or new product started. One example of difference is back then the largest software maker was a company called Microsoft. They made most of the operating systems that computers ran on, but today a scientist made a completely new system while studying in school that has replaced that old system. This person could not have done that if he lived in the money era. He would not have been able to overtake such a large and well-funded company because it would have taken a great deal of money that he did not have. I see he also understood about light technologies that would be developed in future times. Our communications units use light technology as a major part of their operation system. This along with the biological storage cubes is what makes them so fast and able to store so much data.
Ms. Alison:
If you haven't guessed the solution yet, read the Book to find out what the solution really is, how simple it is and why it will come about whether we like it or not. Our current system of government and greed is what will force us, along with the help of the higher spiritual realms, to move beyond our current mindsets and the looming issues that will continue to worsen until we wake up to some very real BUT HIDDEN FACTS in our course of evolution.